Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Johnson's return to lineup pushes "El Matadore" Martin back to utility role

Thank Heavens for Kelly Johnson's return to the every day lineup. After missing a series of games with a knee injury it is safe to say Kelly has returned with little evidence that the knee is still bothering him. It may still be a trouble but at least it is not effecting his game. The best part of Kelly's return is that "the walking defensive liability" Martin Prado returns to his pinch hitting role. Prado's fielding percentage does not do his defensive ability justice. It is far too kind. While Prado was not committing egregious errors he was a severe downgrade from Kelly in the field.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and even more at the plate.

I have a severe hatred for Martin Prado. I really shouldn't, it's not like he tries to be the very definition of "replacement level." Hell, I'd bet he's a nice guy.

I hate him to the point that when he fails, I get a little feeling of pleasure. That's bad, right?